Background Checks(BGC)/LiveScan Providers

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Background Screening

To access the Florida statutes please visit the Board of Nursing website at for additional information. 

Important If required, you must have a copy of your Application Received Notification emailed from Prometric in order to make a fingerprint scan appointment. Do not have your fingerprints scanned before receiving one of these notifications from Prometric. Paper fingerprint cards will not be accepted. 

The Florida Board of Nursing must approve the results of the background screening before you can be tested to get your certification and be placed on the CNA Registry. The Board may request more information about any criminal offenses listed on the background screening results. If the Board denies your testing, you will receive an official Notice of Intent to Deny and have the right of appeal. If your testing is denied, you will not receive a refund of exam or background fees. 

A list of offenses that may disqualify you from being hired can be found in Chapter 435, Florida Statutes. More information and a list of Frequently Asked Questions concerning background screening is located online at 

Any applicant who has ever been found guilty of, or pled guilty or no contest/nolo contendre to any charge other than a minor traffic offense must list each offense on the application. Failure to disclose criminal history may result in denial of your application. Each application is reviewed on its own merits. 

The Board of Nursing has created guidelines for specific offenses to be cleared in the board office; however, the staff cannot make determinations in advance as laws and rules do change over time. Violent crimes and repeat offenders are required to be presented to the Board of Nursing for review. Evidence of rehabilitation is important to the Board Members when making licensure decisions. 

Rescheduling and Retesting Background Screening 

Applicants with prior criminal convictions may be required to submit the following documentation to the Board: 

Final Dispositions/Arrest Records – Final disposition records for offenses can be obtained at the clerk of the court in the arresting jurisdiction. If the records are not available, you must have a letter on court letterhead sent from the Clerk of the Court attesting to their unavailability. 

Completion of Probation/Parole/Sanctions – Probation and financial sanction records for offenses can be obtained at the clerk of the court in the arresting jurisdiction. Parole records for offenses can be obtained from the Department of Corrections or at the clerk of the court in the arresting jurisdiction. If the records are not available, you must have a letter on court letterhead sent from the clerk of the court attesting to their unavailability. 

Self Explanation – Applicants who have listed offenses on the application must submit a letter in your own words describing the circumstances of the offense. 

Letters of Recommendation – Applicants who have listed offenses on the application must submit 3-5 professional letters of recommendation from people you have worked for or with. 

Applicants can use any Livescan service provider that has been approved by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to submit their fingerprints to the Department. Please ensure that the Originating Agency Identification (ORI) number is provided to the service provider when you submit your fingerprints. If you do not provide an ORI number or if you provide an incorrect ORI number to the service provider, the board office will not receive your fingerprint results. The applicant is fully responsible for selecting the service provider and ensuring submission of the prints to the Department.

The Department of Health accepts electronic fingerprinting service offered by Livescan service providers that are approved by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and listed at their site. You can view the service provider options and contact information on the following website: 

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Effective July 1, 2012, section 456.0635, Florida Statutes, provides that health care boards or the department shall refuse to issue a license, certificate or registration and shall refuse to admit a candidate for examination if the applicant: 

1. Has been convicted of, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a felony under Chapter 409, F.S., (relating to social and economic assistance), Chapter 817, F.S., (relating to fraudulent practices), Chapter 893, F.S., (relating to drug abuse prevention and control) or a similar felony offense(s) in another state or jurisdiction unless the candidate or applicant has successfully completed a drug court program for that felony and provides proof that the plea has been withdrawn or the charges have been dismissed. 

Any such conviction or plea shall exclude the applicant or candidate from licensure, examination, certification, or registration, unless the sentence and any subsequent period of probation for such conviction or plea ended: 

-For the felonies of the first or second degree, more than 15 years from the date of the plea, sentence and completion of any subsequent probation; 

-For the felonies of the third degree, more than 10 years from the date of the plea, sentence and completion of any subsequent probation; 

-For the felonies of the third degree under section 893.13(6)(a), F.S., more than five years from the date of the plea, sentence and completion of any subsequent probation;

2. Has been convicted of, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a felony under 21 U.S.C. ss. 801-970 (relating to controlled substances) or 42 U.S.C. ss. 1395-1396 (relating to public health, welfare, Medicare and Medicaid issues), unless the sentence and any subsequent period of probation for such conviction or pleas ended more than 15 years prior to the date of the application; 

3. Has been terminated for cause from the Florida Medicaid program pursuant to section 409.913, F.S., unless the candidate or applicant has been in good standing with the Florida Medicaid program for the most recent five years; 

4. Has been terminated for cause, pursuant to the appeals procedures established by the state or Federal Government, from any other state Medicaid program, unless the candidate or applicant has been in good standing with a state Medicaid program for the most recent five years and the termination occurred at least 20 years before the date of the application; 

5. Is currently listed on the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General's List of Excluded Individuals and Entities.

Live Scan Vendor Information Criminal History Questions